
Preserving traditional crafts through workshops on making parts of the uniform and equipment of alkars and alkar’s squires

Through these workshops, the participants are taught how to make certain parts of the uniform and equipment of alkars and alkar’s squires. As traditional crafts are slowly becoming extinct, these workshops also aim to contribute towards their preservation. Workshops on making peasant shoes, which are the traditional footwear of alkar’s squires, are also offered, together with workshops on how to make socks and oversocks from woollen cloth, which are also worn by alkar’s squires.

The workshops are to be held in the Alka Halls. They are primarily be targeted at primary school children, but are also open to all interested applicants. The workshop leaders will teach the participants how to make certain parts of the uniform and equipment of alkars and alkar’s squires.

This programme aims to contribute towards the preservation of the traditional crafts that are used to make certain parts of the uniform and equipment of alkars and alkar’s squires, as well as to educate the participants on the importance of preserving heritage.

The workshops raise awareness of the heritage of the local community, while also spreading knowledge on traditional crafts and thus contributing towards their preservation.

Target groups: primary school children, adults